For the second time, we are honoured to be part of the prestigious ranking of Europe's fastest growing companies, compiled annually by the German research company Statista for the Financial Times. This year, we even moved up 195 places! We were already very pleased with last year's 231st place. This year's move to position 36 in the whole of Europe is all the more pleasing.
It gives us hope that we are doing our job well and to the benefit not only of our individual customers, but also for the betterment of future generations. The global energy industry has had a challenging year. We thank God that we are among those companies that have shown resilience and have been able to thrive.
But it also means a great commitment to the future. There is always room for improvement. We want to be even closer to our customers and partners this year. In addition to a series of trade fairs and new seminars, we are also introducing a new option for purchasing solar components. In the new e-shop you will find the best of solar panels, inverters and batteries. brings you everything at unbeatable prices.
We are a company that is based on Christian foundations and our vision is to contribute to the fastest possible spread of environmentally friendly technologies. For a better life for our children and their descendants. Thanks to God's blessing, we are succeeding and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Your nanosun team